Will you include a gift in your Will?

My Legacy Month is our annual awareness campaign to encourage and inspire everyone to consider including a legacy gift in their will. We are delighted that beloved Irish actress Mary McEvoy was our 2023 My Legacy Month campaign ambassador.

At the launch of the campaign last September, Mary said, “I think there’s this idea that it’s the millionaires who can make a big difference for a charity or good cause. When the truth is that every single gift counts and they all add up to something hugely meaningful for Irish charities and for the people and animals and environments they support.

“At home in Westmeath, I have been planting trees for many years now and every single one starts with a small seed. Now that forest will hopefully be there for many more generations to come. As a society we can have that same impact for future generations by including a gift for a charity in our wills now.

“Perhaps there is a charity that has supported you or someone you care about directly, or a charity that is standing up for those across the world who need our support. Whatever cause is close to your heart, you can plant that seed for the future right now by choosing a charity to include in your will.”

She added: “I know I may be remembered as Biddy, or for many of the other roles I’ve played over the years, but for me, my legacy is the land that I’ve lived and worked on throughout my life. That’s where I see my greatest impact. Being a custodian of this land and giving a small part of our island back to the native trees and plants, and all the insects and wildlife that have thrived there. I’ll be very proud of that legacy.”

As Niall O’Sullivan, Chairperson of My Legacy, also remarked: “The big message we want people to remember this My Legacy Month is ‘plant a seed, grow your legacy’ and we’re delighted to launch this year’s campaign with Mary – someone who is doing this in the most practical sense through her forestry and farming. It’s a great reminder that there are practical steps we can all take to make real change for the future.

“Making your will is one of the most important, practical things that a person can do in their lifetime and it’s a simple action that many put off. In fact, it’s reported that only three in ten people in Ireland have made their will. But once you decide to do it, it’s not a daunting task, it can take less than an hour and can be done in three simple steps.

“There is a great peace of mind to be had from making or updating your will and by also including a gift for a charity, no matter the size, you will contribute to a more sustainable future for Irish charities and the people and places they want to continue to care for.”

What cause would you choose to leave a legacy gift to?

Large or small, every legacy gift is a generous gift of hope and trust in a better future.

Once family and friends have been looked after and all other important personal decisions have been made, deciding to include a gift in your will to a charity is a very special way to support a cause that matters to you into the future.

We all know that having a will is very important for so many good reasons and we encourage you to take that first step in writing your will by making an appointment with a solicitor.

It is usually a much more straightforward and cost effective process than you might think; it will only take about an hour or so of your time. Your solicitor will also tell you what information is needed for drawing up this very important personal document when you make your appointment. You can also find a solicitor near you at Law Society of Ireland

1. Make An Appointment

A solicitor will give you advice and support.

Take the first step to discuss your wishes and decisions for the future.

2. Look After Loved Ones First

Why a will is important.

A will provides for loved ones, assigns guardians, protects assets and helps reduce inheritance tax.

3. Consider A Gift To Charity

Your gift may be big or small and is tax free.

If you have a cause that’s important to you, please consider including a gift to that charity in your will.